AI for the Environment Hackathon Festival

AIForum NZ Hackathon Series | Brought to you by SheSharp and academyEX

Image of road with starry sky

Friday, August 11, 2023


AI Forum NZ is hosting an AI for the Environment Hackathon Festival across Aotearoa, Australia and the South Pacific. Do you have a passion for saving the planet, starting in our backyard? The winners will pitch their solutions at the AI Summit on 21 September in Auckland.

This event will be hosted in partnership with academyEX on August 11th and 12th, kicking off with an inspiring keynote from Frances Valintine CNZM.

The problems this year to solve, are based on the five key environmental outcomes (AI for the Environment Report 2022). These have been expanded to make them more relevant to all participants in 2023. AI Forum NZ are sourcing use cases from NGOs and citizen science groups to provide real problems to solve that are relevant to each location. These organisations provide subject matter expertise ahead of time and on the day.

You will learn many new skills, meet like-minded peers, and network with sponsors and mentors. At the end of the hackathon you and your team demonstrate your project in front of a judging panel who select the winner. The best four winners have a chance to pitch their idea at the AI Summit 23. Hackathons are a safe space for people from diverse skill sets to come together around a problem to solve. When forming your team, think about the Dream Team Model of hipsters, hackers, and hustlers - a good mix will help you to be successful.

Keen to join us in solving pressing environmental problems using AI?

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