She Sharp @ Centrality

Brought to you be She Sharp and Centrality

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Thursday, July 25, 2019


What is Blockchain? 

Unless you have been living under a rock, you will have heard of blockchain.

Blockchain is one of the most important inventions since the Internet. It’s powering systems for supply chain, fintech, mobility, digital identity and yes, even trading virtual cats. But, what exactly is Blockchain? How does it work? And most importantly, how do you decide if it’s right for your idea or business?

Join us at the event to learn the ins and outs of this emerging technology and blockchain based projects happening around New Zealand. Hear from the industry experts from Centrality, Yabble, and Āhau, about their blockchain journey. We will also conduct an Ideathon, where our experts will show you how easy it is to get started on blockchain programming. So team up and design your very own blockchain application to win a prize for the best concept. Drinks and nibbles will be provided to accompany this brainstorming.

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Meet the Speakers

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Check out the Agenda

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Centrality is a New Zealand-based company and tech venture platform. They leverage blockchain, AI, IoT and other emerging technologies to create an advanced and connected world. They’re fostering a user-centric approach and open-source culture to build the infrastructure for the emerging decentralised web. The ecosystem of Centrality is growing with developers, ventures, partnered businesses and startups that are passionate about creating a thriving decentralised future together.

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