SHE# with Google Codelab

Brought to you by She Sharp and Google

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Monday, March 26, 2018


50 attendees

We partnered with our gold sponsor again this year for the annual SheSharp with Google event. Over 50 attendees, from students to working professionals, joined us for this midday event held on Monday 26th March at AUT city campus.

This Codelab provided an introduction to machine learning suitable for all levels, and participants predicted house prices using a Kaggle Kernel. Kaggle is a worldwide data science community that offers machine learning competitions, which the house price predictions from this event were submitted to.

Brown bag lunches were provided by SheSharp while attendees were guided through the task by a group of Googlers from the Sydney office, a number of whom are Kiwis.

In the second session, we got to know these Googlers a bit better with a career panel. Each Googler shared their path to Google, as well as some insight into life at Google. Attendees were able to ask anything and get all their questions answered, and did we mention – get lots of Google swag!!

The event ended with the opportunities at Google for students – internships, graduate positions, and the Women Techmakers Scholarship. The scholarship was particularly encouraged, and SheSharp Ambassadors who were former recipients spoke highly of the Scholars’ Retreat, where recipients can connect with fellow scholars, network with Googlers and participate in a number of workshops, held in a different Google Asia Pacific office each year.

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